The title of this post says it all, I've worked on getting three stars for so long on my iPhone, there was no way I was starting again!!
This post comes with NO WARRANTY, GUARANTEES OR SUPPORT OF ANY KIND. This probably works.
There were some tutorials on the interwebs for this, but I didn't find them very useful, or simple. So, here's the easy version, for example, Angry Birds Space HD:
- Download and install the Android SDK:
- Download and install iPhone Backup Extractor:
- Back up your iPhone using iTunes.
- Create a new folder called "C:\PhoneRestore"
- Run iPhone Backup Extractor.
- Click the "Expert Mode" button.
- Expand Application->com.rovio.AngryBirdsSpace->Documents
- Tick highscores.lua and settings.lua
- Click "Extract Selected"
- Rinse and repeat steps 6 through 9 for eaglepurchases.lua and episodepurchases.lua
- Run Start->All Programs->Android SDK Tools->Android SDK Mangager
- Install "Android SDK Platform-tools" under "Tools" and "Google USB Driver" under "Extras".
- Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\usb_driver, right hand click android_winusb.inf and click "Install"
- On your Android device, go to Settings->Developer options and tick "Android debugging".
- Make sure Angry Birds Space is closed on your Android device.
- Connect your Android device to your computer with its USB cable.
- Wait for Windows to say your device is ready to be used.
- Click on Start, and type "cmd" and press enter.
- Copy each line and paste into the cmd window:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools"
adb shell
cd /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsspaceHD/files
cp eaglepurchases.lua eaglepurchases.bak
cp episodepurchases.lua episodepurchases.bak
cp highscores.lua highscores.bak
cp settings.lua settings.bak
adb push C:\PhoneRestore\Application\com.rovio.AngryBirdsSpace\Documents data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsspaceHD/files
adb shell
cd /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsspaceHD/files
ls -al
At this point, you should see some files that have "app_x" e.g. "app_59" on the line. Edit the next line to suit.
chown app_59 *
DONE!! Open Angry Birds Space HD on your Android Device.
Remember to turn the Android debugging back off.