Saturday, June 16, 2012

Copying your Angry Birds progress from iPhone/iPad to Android

The title of this post says it all, I've worked on getting three stars for so long on my iPhone, there was no way I was starting again!!

This post comes with NO WARRANTY, GUARANTEES OR SUPPORT OF ANY KIND.  This probably works.

There were some tutorials on the interwebs for this, but I didn't find them very useful, or simple.  So, here's the easy version, for example, Angry Birds Space HD:

  1. Download and install the Android SDK:
  2. Download and install iPhone Backup Extractor:
  3. Back up your iPhone using iTunes.
  4. Create a new folder called "C:\PhoneRestore"
  5. Run iPhone Backup Extractor.
  6. Click the "Expert Mode" button.
  7. Expand Application->com.rovio.AngryBirdsSpace->Documents
  8. Tick highscores.lua and settings.lua
  9. Click "Extract Selected"
  10. Rinse and repeat steps 6 through 9 for eaglepurchases.lua and episodepurchases.lua
  11. Run Start->All Programs->Android SDK Tools->Android SDK Mangager
  12. Install "Android SDK Platform-tools" under "Tools" and "Google USB Driver" under "Extras".
  13. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\usb_driver, right hand click android_winusb.inf and click "Install"
  14. On your Android device, go to Settings->Developer options and tick "Android debugging".
  15. Make sure Angry Birds Space is closed on your Android device.
  16. Connect your Android device to your computer with its USB cable.
  17. Wait for Windows to say your device is ready to be used.
  18. Click on Start, and type "cmd" and press enter.
  19. Copy each line and paste into the cmd window:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools"
adb shell
cd /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsspaceHD/files

cp eaglepurchases.lua eaglepurchases.bak

cp episodepurchases.lua episodepurchases.bak

cp highscores.lua highscores.bak

cp settings.lua settings.bak

adb push C:\PhoneRestore\Application\com.rovio.AngryBirdsSpace\Documents data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsspaceHD/files
adb shell
cd /data/data/com.rovio.angrybirdsspaceHD/files
ls -al

At this point, you should see some files that have "app_x" e.g. "app_59" on the line.  Edit the next line to suit.

chown app_59 *

DONE!!  Open Angry Birds Space HD on your Android Device.

Remember to turn the Android debugging back off.

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